Sunday, April 18, 2010

Today I did a good thing

Today I applied for a job with an exciting entity. I have somehow gone to taking a few days per application to feel out if I want to be filling that vacancy or mine. I am only applying for jobs that move me- that get me excited and have me thinking about what I could learn and contribute. I know all too well the feelings of frustration over posts that bring me no professional or personal fulfillment... Like the last posting where I was hired without a budget and ended up getting carpal tunnel designing newsletters myself from a laptop ( I am not a designer and a laptop is not a designer's tool).

I agree with L.A. that God is preparing my for my next appointment and it will be everything it should be. I know love is work made visible and I am just praying to get a job I love that pays me a salary I can also be happy about. It's often times either or. Money or fulfillment. With faith, I beg to differ.


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