"Common Ground" (C) 2009. All Rights Reserved
The photo was taken of my feet as well as one of my cousin's. We have a lot in common, my cousins. You will know yourselves, those of whom this post is also dedicated to. Here's to inspiration.
I feel like many different brands operating under one holding company, many of whom are never really credited. I never post my best photography work here because of how easy it is to steal from blogs. Usually, I post them to more secure sites and just point people to them, but sometimes, I simply want to share what I consider to be my best work with you.
I am not one thing OR another. I am many. The same person, but with many modes of expression. An only child learns to plant fields of dreams within. I had nine years of solo practice. So yes, I write, I photograph, I produce and I broadcast. I even draw with charcoal on occasion. My art is my way of sharing my harvest. If you have excess and do, not share, it will fester and spoil. Expression for me is as important as breathing. As much as I take in, I have to let out. The different media help me to continue the conversation where one medium has left off. I just had a seven month photography hiatus, during which I wrote and meditated. Now I am longing to use my photography to capture the growth I made during that period.
Life, like art, is not linear. Sometimes we go back so that we can go forward. And sometimes, we simple stand still just so we can see ourselves and really see each other.
I am a plural, purposed and multi-functional individual who is merely trying to make peace within.
There seems no way to continue being psuedo anonymous and just let myself go freely... you know just take off the restrictions and let the art do its work.
I am simply an artist who wants to come out of her own closet.
But alas, until I sign a film/book deal, maybe it is better to leave some secrets right where they are.
Inshallah, you will soon! I admire your well-rounded personality that allows all your creativity to just shine through. Keep shining and inspiring all of us who are lucky to know you. (Before you know it, there will be millions of us!)
Love, love, love...
Love the pic girl !!!!
Cloudcutter. I think God sends us fragile creatives with people who can see us better than we can see ourselves so that we may in some way, be encouraged to discover the greatness that lies within. Enter you.
Celia, taa :) I believe this shot was taken the very day I got my new camera (Mandela Fidel Che Obama Manley)
Cloudcutter. I think God sends us fragile creatives with people who can see us better than we can see ourselves so that we may in some way, be encouraged to discover the greatness that lies within. Enter you.
Celia, taa :) I believe this shot was taken the very day I got my new camera (Mandela Fidel Che Obama Manley)
Cloudcutter. I think God sends us fragile creatives with people who can see us better than we can see ourselves so that we may in some way, be encouraged to discover the greatness that lies within. Enter you.
Celia, taa :) I believe this shot was taken the very day I got my new camera (Mandela Fidel Che Obama Manley)
Cloudcutter. I think God sends us fragile creatives with people who can see us better than we can see ourselves so that we may in some way, be encouraged to discover the greatness that lies within. Enter you.
Celia, taa :) I believe this shot was taken the very day I got my new camera (Mandela Fidel Che Obama Manley)
Cloudcutter. I think God sends us fragile creatives with people who can see us better than we can see ourselves so that we may in some way, be encouraged to discover the greatness that lies within. Enter you.
Celia, taa :) I believe this shot was taken the very day I got my new camera (Mandela Fidel Che Obama Manley)
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