Sunday, March 02, 2008

There is a Name...

Political and Economic issues aside, there are some things that have been going on that I have to confess about.

I have been trying to find my spiritual centre over the past two months.

What else is there to do when you hit bottom financially, and in your personal life and the faith that took ou thus far is waning for lack of attention during moments of great success and personal achievement.

But flattened, with nothing to live by but faith, I have had to call on the grace of God for sustainment and hope.

The truth is that His strength is made perfect in our weakness. When we are flattened by trials and tribulations, we cannot assert seld praise for any of our successes. Your focus moves from the self-righteous assertion that you are smart and have a job why you can pay the bills, but that God gave you favour with a client, so you could make that deal just in time to pay that bill.

I am not perfect. I still falter. I falter too much. I did things today that I am not proud of. I did them knowing that they were wrong. But I believe I will rise above these very challenges.

I have grown A LOT over this time. I have made some sound personal decisions. God has been good to me.

I am growing, I am learning. I am changing. I am striving to be the person I was called to be.


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